The Hold Me Tight® (HMT) Couples Relationship Enhancement Workshop:
Conversations for Connection
Join us for a series of eight interactive 2-hour relationship workshops led by relationship therapists Sarah McConnell and Celia Hardwick based on the book Hold Me Tight®: Seven Conversations for A Lifetime of Love by Dr Sue Johnson, the founder of

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). Each workshop comprises a short, lively presentation to the group along with short video clips of couples taking part in Hold Me Tight sessions with Dr Sue Johnson followed by safely facilitated, deeply engaging, intimate conversations that help each couple develop more openness, responsiveness and trust in each other.
This workshop is open to couples who are struggling, maybe arguing, growing distant or who just want to deepen trust and intimacy within their relationship. This can be a prelude to couple therapy but is not for couples in acute distress who would initially benefit from couple therapy to overcome their relationship distress.
The 7 Conversations will be spread over 4 weeks. The topics each week will be:
- Week 1: Saturday 22 October 2022:
9.00 – 11.00: Understanding Love & Attachment
11.30 – 1.30: Recognising the Demon Dialogues – Negative patterns - Week 2: Saturday 5 November 2022:9.00 – 11.00: Finding the Raw Spots – Emotional triggers
11.30 – 1.30: Revisiting a Rocky Moment – Repairing injuries - Week 3: Saturday 19 November 2022:
9.00 – 11.00: Hold Me Tight – Deepening Emotional Engagement
11.30 – 1.30: Bonding Through Sex and Touch - Week 4: Saturday 3 December 2022:
9.00 – 11.00: Keeping Your Love Alive
11.30 – 1.30: Graduating and Saying Goodbye
The cost for the whole series will be £350 per couple.
Course Registration
If you would like to register for a Hold Me Tight® workshop with your partner, please email Sarah at to find out about availability and forthcoming dates. The HMT workshops are booked on a first-come first-served basis. The workshops will be held at Riverside Wellbeing, 1 Market Street, Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire, SK23 7AA.